PinnedWelcome to the CodeDoc movementHello, developer. I’m glad you got this far, by chance of fate, maybe. I want to start a move, the “CodeDoc” movement to document source…Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
How to integrate Fusion Solar (from Huawei) with AlexaRecently, I had solar panels installed with a Huawei inverter, model SUN2000.Feb 19Feb 19
Cómo integrar Fusión Solar (de Huawei) con AlexaRecientemente me han instalado unas placas solares con un inversor de Huawei, modelo SUN2000.Feb 19Feb 19
Angular Material: lazy loading Tabs content but only the first time it is accessedWhen working with Angular Material tabs, you might want to implement lazy loading for your tab content while ensuring the content persists…Jan 13Jan 13
How to read an Oracle BLOB field containing text in VB.NET with the right encodingIt may seem easy, but it took me two hours to find exactly the right solution to this problem. Let’s put ourselves in situation.Nov 8, 2023Nov 8, 2023
Hi @Alex.I did a translated spanish version of your wonderful article after seeing it is translated to Chinese. It is here…Mar 29, 20221Mar 29, 20221
Mis principios maestros tras 20 años de programaciónEsta es una traducción al español de un artículo que me pareció muy interesante, dada su naturaleza, la experiencia de Alex y lo de acuerdo…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
How an iPhone and some technology help me with my father’s Alzheimer’sMy father has Alzheimer’s. I had been noticing it for a few years, but medical tests diagnosed it with certainty some time ago.Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
De cómo un iPhone y algo de tecnología me ayudan con el Alzheimer de mi padreMi padre tiene Alzheimer. Se lo venía notando desde hace unos pocos años, pero las pruebas médicas lo diagnosticaron con certeza hace ya…Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
A simple Login&Auth project with Slim Framework 4Usually, when you want to develop a simple project in PHP, you have two options: vanilla PHP or use a framework.Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022